A mutual interest
If you are a translator and you like the idea of a direct and special relationship with your clients working inside a united and diverse team, then indeed, this project may interest you and your profile may interest us.
What are the conditions?
Let us be clear, the first test in order to know if it might be worth joining forces is to have read the previous paragraph with enthusiasm and without the smallest pout. If so, I (Fabien Rymland-Ergueta, the founder) can assure you that I will read the e-mail you will send me gladly and carefully.
What are the other conditions?
Logically, despite the interest I will show to your message (which I warmly encourage you to send if you did pass the previous test, even though the rest may cast doubts on you, you never know), on a platform of translation aiming for quality, solidarity and proximity, there will not be a place for everybody.
Hence, your request will be mainly valued according to the presumed quality of your translations, to the contribution you might represent to enrich the range of our services (the idea is not to have an internal competition) and to your ease in working with efficiency and punctuality via an automated system.