The website (henceforth “the website”) is a platform owned by Fabien Rymland-Ergueta who financed, conceived and developed it, as are the distinctive artworks of the website.

The website aims to offer to freelance translators it hosts a collective framework and useful tools in order to manage their clients and their visibility.


Anyone present on the website through a web browser or being registered in the website database is considered to be a user.

Henceforth, we will call “visitor”, any user who is not registered in the website database and “registered user” any user who is.

We will call “translator” any registered user offering translation services through the website, “client”, any user registered in order to subscribe to services offered by the translators and finally, “administrator”, any user registered for the purpose of participating in the website maintenance.

The common regulation

This document (henceforth “the common regulation”) presents the terms of services as well as the rights and duties of users. Any dynamic use of the website assumes the understanding and acceptance of the common regulation.

By “dynamic use”, we mean any use of the website that required, at some point, some kind of entry in a form.

This common regulation is complemented by connected regulations relating to the rights and duties of translators and administrators.

Version applicable

This document corresponds to the version 1.0 of the common regulation.

It applies since the website is online.

In the case of an updated version, it will not be applicable before having been notified to registered users in a visible and explicit manner in a place transited by all (for instance, the login form or the home page). In addition, in the case where a registered user has pending orders, these will not be affected by the new common regulation.


The website does not use any cookies in order to respect your private life and your legitimate concerns about it. Nevertheless, certain functions it has to integrate for security reasons may use cookies for visitors. You will find hereafter the exhaustive list of all uses warranting suspicion:

The Captchas are managed by Google (as regards the comment and registration forms on the website). Using this system assumes the acceptance of Google’s terms and conditions that you will find linked under each Captcha.


No personal data about visitors are registered in the database.

As regards clients, only the data expressly provided through the different forms are stored in the database and they will all be removed if a client deletes their account (with only one click).

Hereafter a table listing the different data that could be stored, the person with access to them, the uses that could be made of them as well as their lifetime.

Data type






Hired translators


To talk about the client

To contact the client

Account deletion

Modification of the data


Inaccessible and encrypted

Account deletion

Modification of the data





To respect the user’s choices

Account deletion

Modification of the data


Registration date




Account deletion

Data about an order

Hired translators


To manage and fulfil the order

Account deletion

Order deletion by both the translator and the client

Links provided for the order

Hired translators


To manage and fulfil the order

Account deletion

Order deletion by both the translator and the client

End of the order

Data about a payment

Hired translators


To manage and fulfil the order

Account deletion

Payment deletion by both the translator and the client

None of this data will ever be sent to a third party nor used for a means not mentioned in the table.

E-mail address

Clients’ e-mail addresses are not visible by other users except by the translators with whom they are dealing and by the administrators who might have to see their orders in case of a problem, and they will never be communicated to anyone else.

A translator may have to write to a client through their e-mail address about an order. It is a recommended practice inside a platform promoting a direct and close relationship between translator and client.

Any automatic e-mail from the website will only be sent after checking the user’s preferences. The exhaustive list of the e-mails that might be sent is accessible at all time by a registered user via their space. If registered users receive an e-mail they would have preferred not to receive, it means that their preferences are not properly set and that they only have to deselect this choice in order to stop receiving this type of e-mail.

Forbidden conducts

Any vandalism or attempt of vandalism will result in the immediate and without notice deletion of the user’s account.

In addition, any conduct regarded as unlawful by French and/or International Law will result in the immediate and without notice deletion of the user’s account as well as in the transmission of any information considered as relevant to the competent authorities.

Relationship between clients and translators

The website aims to provide to the translators and to the clients a service allowing them to count on additional management tools in their relationship. Nevertheless, this relationship must respect the same rules as if the contact would have been made without the website mediation. Thus, the website will not be held responsible for any disputes between clients and translators. However, in a pacifier concern, the founder as well as the other translators and administrators might try to offer alternative solutions in the case of discord.


We are going to change the tone here and remind the humble condition and will of the founder when he decided to create this website. Working for an agency, he reached the bitter conclusion of a cold and indirect relationship with his final clients, if not non-relationship (some will stay forever unknown to him). Following that, he decided to invest a semester of his life to design a tool which would allow him to connect his passion and his expertise in translation with his ideals of warm relationships. He does hope, writing these lines, that he reassured you about the goals of the website, about the enthusiasm he has for a world enriched by healthier relationships and about the respect he has for you. Thus, before any conflict, let us please try to fix our discord in the most cordial and simple way possible.

The owner

Name : Rymland-Ergueta

Firstname : Fabien

Adress : 1 Chemin de Labedat, 64230, Aussevielle, France

E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone : 07 81 61 58 60